Saturday, April 9, 2005

Just a superficial word...

Behold Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.  Two outrageously gorgeous human beings. I loved Angelina from the moment I saw her.  I didn't really appreciate Brad until V. expressed her deep lust for the man.  Actually, he's a pretty good actor, too.  All I want to say is SO WHAT!  LEAVE 'EM ALONE! BUGGER OFF!  These people...  making money off gossip.  They're getting it on, they're not getting it on...  hell's bell, honey...  It's none of our business.  And Angelina just hasn't met me yet, so she can bide her time with whoever she wants.  Why not Brad?  And V., wherever you are, until he finds you... what's the harm, eh?

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