Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Five bucks is five bucks

This morning, I took out the garbage and went back inside to finish getting ready for work.  A few hours later, when I stepped outside to leave, I noticed what looked like a dollar bill on the ground.  I picked it up and saw it was a section of a one dollar bill.  I looked around some more and found a piece of a five dollar bill.  Then I found the rest of the dirty, mangled, torn five.

I picked it up and put it in my pocket.  At lunchtime, I went to the bank.  As long as you have the serial numbers on both sides, they'll replace it... unless they are bad at customer service.  So I made five dollars in just about the easiest way possible.

You can believe I scanned the ground to see if there was a bag of money drifting across the ground.  No such luck.

I have no idea where the money could have come from.  I don't tear money up.  I'm too poor for that.  And the thing is that it was very close to my front door, which is set back from the road.

How did it get there?  I don't know.  It wasn't windy, per se.  It could have come from some bizarre garbage truck incident.  The recycling truck had come through while I was inside, but not the garbage truck.

I mowed the lawn Sunday.  If that was the cause I would have seen the money before today.

I really have no good explanation of how it got in my yard. I just wish that Abraham Lincoln had brought some of his friends along!


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