Thursday, June 9, 2005


It was one of those mornings... you know, when you get hold of the cat and take off her collar bcause you're trying to sleep.

I'm always worn out by Thursday.  Working to 8 p.m. is for masochists.  Now those snits on the second story are considering other days of extended hours.

Ha!  All I can say is "Bite me!"

The dogs actually were more or less merciful until 6 this morning, but I was up before them in anticipation.

I only have two more days. Goodbye, clean water AND bath tub.  Goodbye, reassuring canine company. :o(

Johnny Rocket flew into the room when I went out to let the dogs in.  Now my cat is on the foot of the bed, hissing and warning him from above.

He's wanted to be friendly and bond since we got here.  She's just been pissy about it.

I guess I should take something else home today so that all I have left is some clothes when the family returns....

If we get reincarnated, it might be nice to come back as a pampered house pet. If I don't like it... well, it's only about 20 years....

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