Thursday, June 2, 2005


OK, OK, Cristy, YOU WIN!

I went to see the doctor about my aching shoulder, neck and head.  What did he give me?  ADVIL.

Are you happy now????

I knew that I was wasting time and money, damn it.  $59.20 to tell me what I knew... that it would eventually go away....  Dogs!

It's just that I hadn't been in such pain...  I can't remember ever aching so.  (I'm sure I have but I tend to block out unpleasantness.)  So I took some and after a while my back started feeling like lead.  After work, I went to the grocery store and suddenly felt an urge to goose a grocery BOY. 

The stuff might be dangerous.

He was just a cute kid.  And like Library Lisa says, we can appreciate male beauty....


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!! MY J-O IS BETTER! I wont say I told you so lol. All that matters is your better :) much love my sista! ps does this mean we may enjoy your company on Friday after all?

:) Cristy

Anonymous said...

Hello, I found your journal through a journal through a journal through a journal ...  I found it so interesting that I went back and read everything.  Thank you for the lovely visit.  Pennie