Wednesday, June 8, 2005

don't be alarmed

 People around the country will clasp their hands together in delight when I reveal that FINALLY yesterday, I bought some mousse.

How it happened: I went to visit "The Bird" at the private salon where she is a nail tech.  I was there anyway, I decided I might as well get a hairscut.

A nice lady named Donna trimmed me carefully. (She cares about her reputation.)  Then, she moussed me, and told me why I should mousse.

And then (later), I went to a store and bought some.



Anonymous said...

lol yay!!!!!!! funny entry J.
:) Cristy

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking... goin back to the era when one could wear a sweater past one's derriere as an outfit... shouldn't Bulwinkle have some Nancy Sinatra boots on to complete the ensemble?