Sunday, June 12, 2005

Pride Sunday

Finally in my own comfy bed.  Yea!

I talked to the doctor last night as they were on their way home up I-95. 

I came home from Cristy's this morning to bathe and go to Pride, but now that I'm here in all this, I feel guilty for not staying to clean the place.

But what the hell.  I need to live.  There's always the weekday-off for grunt work.  So I'll go.  Check it out.  Don't know what's in store but we shall see what we shall see.

There's a 17-year-old boy that talks to me online.  He hasn't come out to his parents yet, but he suffers from that same desperate loneliness that many young gays know.

I probably mentioned it before.  He thought his choice of bathing suit would raise his parents eyebrows and be the sign that told them.  Poor kid.

I have no idea what he looks like but I'll be watching for him there.  I may see the few others I know there.  It's almost easier to go to the event that's farther away.  Anonymity is sometimes more comfortable... and when I do see people I know at a place like that... they are people I really do know beyond mild acquiantance.  I was so happy to spot Carlos at the Palm Beaches Pridefest.

I don't know if Library Lisa will be there.  She is happy with her hottie and doesn't need to be seen.

Part of me does not want to go.

Part of me fears that my step-mom will have a Democratic Women's Club booth set up....  I doubt it. because Democrats are lame around here. The dicks have been measured, I guess.

All right.  I need to get ready....  Anyone wanna come with me?

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