Wednesday, June 1, 2005

not who they seem

I watched the movie "Kinsey" a few nights ago.  Great cast, cool story about the man who surveyed American sexual habits and attempted to bring us out of the dark ages in regards to sexual knowledge.

Cast: Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Peter Sarsgaard, Chris O'Donnell, Oliver Platt, John Lithgow, Tim Curry, Timothy Hutton, etc.

What did I like about it?  Well, to be honest I had watched several other movies outside of my ususal genres before I fired this one up.  Two of them were horror movies that as far as I could see were the same movie, really.  You know, demonic killer snatches bodies and keeps on killing. (C-r-a-p.)

And I watched "Collateral."  You know I don't like Tom Cruise, but I found I could stand him in this one.  He was subdued.  He was actually acting and not just strutting.  I don't think Jamie Foxx was all that he can be, but then again, you don't get parts like "Ray" everyday.


"Kinsey" was good.  No car chases.  No guns.  Just revelation about a man who was driven to change the world for the better.  He showed that there were many ways to express yourself and that absolute heterosexuality is not as common as you might think.

And that's OK.  So get over yourself.

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