Sunday, May 1, 2005

I love my friends.

In his journal, my friend Josh posed the question "What is the difference between love and friendship?"  That's very interesting question and not so easy to answer without some thought.  I pose it to you.  I offer it as a challenge.  (click: about me/info about me/live journal)

Josh is a young, intelligent, handsome, tall, blonde, heterosexual male. (Sorry, boys!)  He doesn't know too much about the ins and outs of love yet.  Bless him. (Remember when YOU were 21?)


Anonymous said...

the difference between love and friendship is the one thing that also is the usual culprit in the loss of friendship. that is once the love changes from lust to comfort. Sex. That is the difference between the two, the inclusion of sex.

Now Grasshopper, see if you can snatch the pebble from my hand.

And no do-overs this time!

Anonymous said...

I think that isn't always necessarily the case.  I see people who have been together many years who are happy together.  I always ask them what the secret is when I get the chance.  The answers vary.  The last couple I asked at first said, "There is no secret," but then said, "Give and give and give."

The answer I treasure came from an old man several years ago who said, "Let her be the boss."

The failure of committment, or the failure to commit, may have something to do with rampant selfishness....

Anonymous said...

To comment on a comment: if sex is the difference between love and friendship, what does that make friends with benefits?