Sunday, May 29, 2005

Latchkey child to Mama Internet

I check in on the journals of my co-workers and some of their friends. They are gamers and Trekkies and Potteranians.  They speak a separate language sometimes.  I just enjoy it.  I don't worry about what they are referring, too.


I was in the kennel last night and most of the dogs were "obedience school attendees."  That is, someone may have attempted to teach them and they got a certificate for showing up, but no diploma. Reminder to self: Take scrub top to hospital.  Favorite pink shirt looks bad with black paw marks.


When the ladies at the library plan a craft, they make one example to show the kids.  They are in the habit of "not making it too good."  That's for the sake of the kids who will stress about making it look the same -- something they may not be capable of.  But Carol (See "Highway of Saints" entry) is among everything else, quite artistic.  Yesterday she brought an aquatic scene to Pat (the storytime lady) that I swear was "too good."  She just looked at me and sort of sighed a shrug.  Pat looked at me like "Shut up."


So I was shelving the videos yesterday and I was thinking that there is such a difference between the way lesbians used to be portrayed in movies and they way they are seen today.

In old movies, the lesbian characters are feminine but cold and uptight. Tightly-wrapped.  Wool-suited.  Unsmiling.  Wealthy. "Smart women in sensible shoes." Sometimes they are dominating, Germanic, sleek.  Often, they have to die for the plot to resolve.

Even in the 80s, new and old met in the characters of the lovers in the film "Desert Hearts."  A young, wild, sexy woman and a stuffy professor....

Nowadays, they are cute or gorgeous, blonde and/or sexy and appealing.  To wit: the cast of The 'L' Word. (Nobody, no group of people is that good-looking. Not in real life. Give me a break!)

Seen what I mean?


One of the best gifts I ever got is "The Original Bed Buddy Sinus Pack."  It's one the most thoughtful and useful things I have ever owned.  It's a kidney-shaped bean bag that you heat in the microwave and can apply to your head or neck (or refrigerate to use over your eyes).  It's a godsend for my sinus problems.  I'm trying to rectify the 4-day long headache in my neck right now.  I wanna to be a happy camper at the BBQ at Cristy's Mom's house... Oi, gawd... three hours from now.



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