Wednesday, February 2, 2005


Wednesday night

I don't feel much like writing.  I am online and just my friend dawg is on.  She is half my age but good to talk to.  Someone online complimented this journal.  That was nice...  I dont think it's so special.  I could do better and write much more.  I'm just lazy.

I'm happy that I'm not feeling compelled to write about (or to) V.   I'm getting her out of my system.  I think sending that letter, whether she got it or not, was good... for me at least.

So here's the deal: I'm in no way wealthy.  I own my car but have no other assets.  I work hard.  I'm lazy.  I'm creative and resourceful.  I'm not pretty... and I have a bad complexion, but people do not turn away in horror when they see me.

I pretty much know who I am and I do not have much baggage other than working poverty and a very interesting step-family.

I am loyal and loving.  My friends tell me that I am kind to a fault, to my own detriment.  But I am toughening up.  I'm more guarded, especially after V.  That isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I have friends who I know are friends.  I enjoy talking to people online.

I know what love is.   I an coming to understand what it isn't. 

I have a friend in this town, two actually.  I am lucky to have found two other lesbians in this very church-going town.

The one close to my age is cute, petite, smooth and soft-spoken.  I like her very much and I'm not rushing anything with her.  If I had my druthers, and if this place was clean, and if I was that ballsy, I'd ask her over to cuddle!

The other is a grandmother, an intelligent woman who is very ill.  We can't seem to get ourselves together to hang out.  I wish that I could get both of these friends to meet.  I could kill two birds with one stone that way.

I enjoy meeting people online because if I can't hook up then maybe I can play match-maker.  It's so hard for lesbians to meet, especially in this county, in this state.  I want to get out more and meet women.  But where can you go that isn't a bar or a gay church (and thank God those things are available within an hours drive of here in either direction.) 

I have something to offer:   Sincerity.  Trustworthiness. Flexibility.  A loyal kind of Love.  And didI menion owning all six seasons of  Xena: Warrior Princess on DVD?!  Love that Gabrielle!

I adore animals and love to stay in bed.

Lately I have had notions of going to meet people I've met on line, and not for a game of tiddly-winks, either.  It's a good thing I have shyness stopping me from god-only-knows what kind of trouble.

I am attracted to intelligent, witty, gentle women.  And anyone in the know can tell you that I like a woman with some meat on her bones.  Although I would not discriminate if I found myself attracted to someone who is fit or even skinny.

My prerequisite for a relationship; they have to at least pretend that they like me.  Being a good kisser helps, too.

I don't like being called dirty names in bed.  If you wanna slap my ass as a surprise or lick champagne and strawberries off my body, well, I can go for that.  Nasty talk, on the other hand, just shuts me down.

I'm getting spacey and starting to crash.  More later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, DO NOT put up a wall that no one can permeate. Believe in yourself and ALWAYS listen to the lil voice inside; it WILL NEVER lead you down the wrong path. Accepting people at 60% bad and 40% good is a good way to live your life; once you have gotten to know that person, you can change your %, either for the better or for the worse. It has taken me a very long time to adhere to that mind-set, as I take people that I meet as 99% good and then get screwed. Your writing is a very good release for you and I know by speaking to you on different occassions, that you WILL find that "special someone". Once you stop looking, she will present herself to you, and it will be fabulous. You are in my prayers,daily, and keep the faith, you BEAUTIFUL Lady. As always, a friend in SoCalifornia