Thursday, February 24, 2005

AJ, JV, VD, I/E... rambling mind

The title of this entry refers to Angelina Jolie and her father, Jon Voight, V... because VD is her life's work and fit in sequence and I/E as opposed to "i.e." because I mean to talk about Internet identity.

Angelina... gorgeous.  Her father... gave her many of her features.  I never really cared for him before, but now... things are different.  Good actor.  And I have a full-face picture of Angelina as the background on my computer.  I can't help myself.  It makes everyone sigh and perhaps drool a little.

My first exposure to her was in "Gia."  Wow.  There are movies that are an actor, that should be their shining moment.  I think she is much herself in the character that scales walls to see her girlfriend, this incredible force of nature.  It's so amazing that she has become such a humanitarian.  The girl LIVES life.

I watched her father tonight in "The Five People You Meet in Heaven."  He was good... except his make-up... ugh!

Is there a point to this?  Not really.  I warned you I was rambling.

I did want to mention "identity." (Internet/E-mail)  My first e-mail account was on GO.  I then transferred to Yahoo!  I used  this one address for every function and soon found it burdened with junk mail.  I created a hotmail account when I came to my current job so that I would have a new milieu for the delivery of office correspondence.  Then I got a computer.  AOL.  Then Josh came into my life and gave me Gmail from Google.  And I am tracking all these identities.

From this I've learned that one probably only needs three addresses:

1.  a catch-all

2.  professional/business

3.  true friends and family only

I confess to having a fourth -- for being naughty, illicit and bad.

Virage65 is my catch-all on AOL.  It's French for "Curve."  Well, because real women have them....

My catch-all on Yahoo! drew a lot of attention from people in the middle east, believe it or not, because it is a Hindu word.  I speak no Hindi.  It was a fluke.  I was paying tribute to my dog with that address.  It apparently means something close to "Winter" in an eastern tongue.  I wondered why I'd get all these "Salaam" greetings and an ocassional "Namaste."

It turns out that men in the middle east and Africa are probably lonelier than bachelors here... because of AIDS.  I spoke online with an Egyptian banker who told me that sex was too dangerous over there and that made people desperate for clean partners.

I also spoke with a man in ...  where was it?  Someplace like India?  It'll come back to me.  He ran a workshop and I asked about his workers.  He told me that he sometimes gives them food and that what they asked for most was Kentucky Fried Chicken and Coca-Cola.  These are items that the workers themselves can't really afford.  I remember thinking I wouldn't be able to either at that price.

I can't make this stuff up... and I don't have the energy to lie.  It is such a waste of time and I have enough stuff in my head without having to store files of falsehoods.  I find that telling the truth and being myself has two effects:

1. You find out real fast who likes you and who doesn't.  Some people dig realness, some are intimidated.

2. I am able to put people at ease with my humor and directness.

More later.  It's late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great entry.... real is a very good thing. judi