Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Blues on Tuesday

If you date someone for a while but then break it off, do they have the right to obsess over you and torment you?

It never feels good to hurt someone, but you have to learn that when someone pushes you away, they are done.

You make mistakes.  You find someone fun and sexy and you let your lust rule your head.  Oops!

It's all a learning process and it is so much better to go SLOW.

Would it be any easier now for either of us if I hadn't taken advantage of her willingness?

Someone pushed me away once.  Then she pushed me away four or five times before she finally told me we had to end our relationship.

Naturally I hurt like hell and was confused.  I asked questions and made myself obnoxious.  That was when she told me to cut myself off completely.  Someone said its my karma.  I believe it.  (For the record, I complied with her wishes.)

People who hurt you cannot help you.  You have to find your own way.  You need to let them go.  Someone better is out there.


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