Monday, February 28, 2005


All day long I listened to a co-worker blathering on about leptin and her yo-yo diet problems and lack of self-control.

People, listen to me... the problem with dieting is the definition of the word "diet" and it's semantics.

Everything you eat and drink is your diet.

When people say they are going on a "diet" they mean a "weight reduction scheme" or a "muscle-amassing plan."  There ought to be another short word that means you are eating with the goal of changing yourself somehow.

You have to stop "going on a diet" and, instead, change the way you think about food.

It isn't any wonder that people "yo-yo."  You change your eating habits to change your body.  You need to change your mind.  You need to change how you think about your intake of liquids and solids.

Yeah, it might be hard at first, to deny yourself things you enjoy.  It may be uncomfortable.  But you will find that you can have the things you enjoy... maybe just not as much of them as you used to.

How many calories do you need a day to survive?  How many more do you need to provide the energy for the things you do each day?  How are you gonna get those calories (and necessary vitamins and minerals and proteins and carbohydrates?)  How are you going to stop yourself from eating more than you need?

Don't "go on a diet."   "Go on" a lifestyle of thinking differently about what you need.



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