Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Je me souviens

I was out in the yard this morning, taking an ax to very dead and very hard orange tree limbs.  I have forgotten how healthy it is to whack your cares away.  My arms need exercise.  Maybe that will fatten my forlorn blood vessels so I can give blood again soon.

I was out there, whacking away and thinking about France and how stupid enmity is.

Without the friendship of the Marquis de Lafayette, we would have had a much harder time fighting King George's men.  And that is only the beginning.

The people of France pay more homage to our World War II heroes than we do!

There come a time in every friendship when there must be disagreement.  Does that mean that the friendship has to end? 

How selfish.  A friend who doesn't follow you blindly is less of a friend?  I don't believe that's right.

Sometimes you have to stand for what you believe no matter who it hurts.

In my family, we know the French to be friendly. And if you look back on our short 229 years as a country, you'll see that France has been beside us all along.

They have the right to say no, to keep their sons and daughters out of an unjust war.  I guarantee you our congressmen aren't sending their kids.  Why should we expect France to?

France is a pretty country, full of beauty.  The people are nice, and leaner than us, too. 

So there!  Nanny-nanny-boo-boo! 

Get over yourself!

Viva la France!


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