Sunday, August 28, 2005

For Virginia: Nobody's perfect...

I was especially honored to get a journal comment from Virginia today.

Yes, Virginia, I know you're only human.  Fortunately, whatever your foibles and flaws, you give a lot of love to those around you.

I have come to realize that there are plenty of things that Judi doesn't say and I understand her reasons for discretion.

Still, I would be lucky to have someone as kind-hearted, tender, understanding and ROMANTIC as you in my life... who was actually free to shine that all on me.

The woman I'm seeing now rags me something awful about the oddest things, like the way I pronounce "absurd" and for not asking her to call me back because she has unlimited long-distance.

I need to be free to love someone with a little bit of wreckless abandon and have them allow me that.  I want someone who can love me in spite of their pet peevs that I may happen to personify from time-to-time.

I need someone who doesn't mind going outside of their house, who doesn't mind doing something besides eating and, well, you know....

Virginia, I realize that you have your own "thang," but damn me if you aren't pretty much a blessing... to Judi, and to this growing human extension of the written and painted grace of you both, as well as to the people who already personally know and love/appreciate you.



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