Wednesday, August 10, 2005

3 a.m.

I woke up knowing my shirt was soaked in sweat.  I turned off the a/c last night.  It's 80 degrees at 3 a.m.  The weather has been blistering hot or rainy.  I am grateful for the rain. 

My heart is wrapped around the pretty thought of Em.  I don't know what will happen. Old heartaches become snipers.  I'm trying to duck what my doubts thow at me.

I'm a brat.  The idea that I might not get to see her this weekend is something to be suffered.  I'm not the better person.  In her arms is where I want to be... laughing with her while I drive her all over the place... befuddled as she calls orders to me from her room upstairs.

I wish I had a cooler, less desperate heart.  When I fall for someone, I want to be with them most of the time.  As if! 

I end up with me.  Luckily, I am more amusing than tv... at least to me.

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