Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Yo, Kim!

If you slip into the archives of this journal you will see a tribute to my friends from college.  One portion extols the wonders of my buddy Kim.

She took me in when I was a scared kid.  Tonight I thought I'd do something crazy and call her.  I am so glad I did.  I don't know why I was missing her but her voice is just as young as ever and just as enthusiastic.

I'm sitting here thinking about the possibility of anything disparaging within this tome of my brain but I disclaim any ill intent if it does exist.  I'm just having a "hope I didn't say anything bad!" moment... akin to feeling the need to clean before the relatives visit.  But I'm not changing anything.  Kim is time- and fire-tested.

If she doesn't know I love her by now there's no hope!

I mention because I gave her a way to find the journal... 

someone who was known me for just over half of my life will see things very differently than anyone else. 

I hope there isn't too much chagrin, old pal.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add that Kim's comment was "some things never change." I asked her what hasn't changed.  She hasn't answered.  ;oI