Sunday, July 10, 2005

Yeah, baby

Woke up a little after noon.  I think I got home sometime after 2 this morning.

I went out with my friends.  Cristy (relentlessly blinking cursor) drove in her controversial Chrysler 300.  (This is a car for pimps and retired people.  It's no wonder she is not satisfied with it.  She needs a hussy car.  Maybe... something with a low profile but room for a small child, a Golden Retriever and some shopping bags... or a husband and some luggage.)

When it comes to drink I am a lightweight.  I had two glasses of vodka and cranberry juice and I was done.  I wish I'd stopped at the first one and had water the rest of the night... or just had water all night.  I shouldn't drink.  I like being fully present.  

I would have enjoyed flirting with a woman my friends' friends brought with them even more than I did.

I got a good look at the woman.  She had long blond hair, brown eyes, a wide, inviting mouth.  She also had loneliness in her eyes.

I missed a few opportunities to compliment her and make her laugh.  She wanted to be told she was appealing.  She is appealing.  She called herself old and fat, and I was so surprised to hear her say it that I didn't say anything, but I should have responded with something slightly lustful.  "Mature and voluptuous," perhaps.  Nope, brain cells swimming can't shout to shore.

She told me she was a member of the Rare Fruit Council.  Badda bing badda boom!  My first thought was "I'm a RARE fruit!,"  but I didn't SAY IT.  Cristy kept telling me I should have.

Then I asked what she did.  She's a nurse.

(OMG!  I loooovvvve nurses!  Does anyone not?)

I watch her free and slinky dance out on the floor with my friends but I just couldn't join in.  I don't know what's wrong with me. 

I like to dance.  I think my feet and knees beg me not to.  And the stuff they play these days... I like something a little slower... with lyrics I can relate to.

If I really wanted to get my groove on with somebody, I'd get the DJ to spin something cool.  If I was very serious about someone, it'd be Joan Armatrading's "Love By You" or "Whatever's For Us."

I wouldn't mind if they played some 60s and 70s pop.  If you follow this journal you know I love King Harvest's one hit "Dancing in the Moonlight."  I dig groovy mild stuff.  Van Morrison, jazzy riffs, things that are fun and easy.

I like Sarah Vaughn and Eartha Kitt.  I like Muddy Waters and John lee Hooker.  I like BeauSoleil.  I like the Grateful Dead and Bonnie Raitt.  I like Louis Armstrong and Charo's guitar playing.

I can enjoy modern tunes with popping beats and sexual overtones.  It's all good, but give be something that fits my rhythm and suits my mood.  Give me a woman who'll touch me, with whom I can find the right synchronous movements.  Yeah, baby.


Anonymous said...

:)))))) I had fun I told you to stop lol..........


Anonymous said...

there is a clarity when sober that cannot be matched. I used to love to drink a bit with friends to ease my shy streak, and a lot at home to blur pain. It is almost three years since I had a drop now and my gift was clarity. I like your musical choices........ yum. judi