Monday, October 17, 2005

In praise of MEN

Yeah.  That's right.  Wanna make something of it?  Who says a lesbian can't admire a man?  Not me!

I have just been thinking how much I enjoy the journals of some of the boys here in J-Land.

I want to give them their props.



He was the first person to ever IM me as a result of my journal.  I haven't given him nearly enough attention.  Sorry, Bear. :/


Here's a guy who's honest and humorous.  The truth is out there, and it's pretty funny.


Here's a guy in an old folk's home with an electric scooter and a digital camera detailing life on the far end.  Warm.  Very warm.


Just read him!


This is a sweet, sensitive, very kind man who lives in the area where I grew up.


A real gentleman.


A pilot who shares the world openly.


Wait! Wait!  I almost forgot:


He's new to me, but I'm getting to know and like him.

OK, these aren't all the guys, but these are the guys that I've found that I enjoy reading.

Show me.  Who's moved you?

Whoa!  Stepping away from AOL for a moment, I present the two young men in my life who encourage me and give me pride in the people who are going to take over very soon.  They are my co-workers, but even better than that, they are my friends:

Josh's journal

Josh's Homepage


Joe's journal

and the very clever library page he started,

Amusing Things that Patrons Do and Say in the Library Environment

Let's here it for the boys!




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