Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Good advice and other items

The other day at Staff Day a city police officer advised us, along with remembering to lock our car doors, to NOT keep garage door openers and extra keys in the car.   They get that garage door opener, they're in. But better yet, he advised us to white-out the address on our vehicle registration.  "We only require that you have the registration," he said.  "Your address is on your license."  That might prevent a car bandit from stealing your car and taking it to your house while you are at work or shopping or otherwise occupied.


In other news, I had some secondhand news of my ex- today and though at first I felt weird, knowing that she seems to be doing well has lifted a big weight from my heart.  I feel like that door closed that much more today. It's a mighty relief, actually.

I used to be desperate for information but now I'm more than anxious to move forward and get the last of it out of my system.  I will always care very much for her and her family, but I'm looking to the future and to people who actually want me around. 


When you're wanted, even the bad things are good.


Today was National Coming Out Day.

I wonder what the day meant to individuals and families and co-workers today.  What happened?  Did anything? 

Chances are good that if all the people who aren't exactly heterosexual turned a different color for a day, we'd all be shocked and the world might just change some -- and for the better of everyone... unless ignorant fear is allowed to run things.


Final item: I've got a "Jones."  Welch's dried cherries.  I found them in the snack section of my store.  Ooo-wheee.

I paid 60 cents more for a 5.5 oz. bag than I did for a gallon of gas and I have no regrets.  Mmmmm.

Great Lakes cherries and no "dioxide" of any kind in the ingredients.

I bought another bag to share with my co-workers tomorrow... but will I?

"Muah-ha-ha" she laughed, evilly!

I'll probably be over them quickly but a lovely treat.  Thank goodness Michigan and it's environs didn't have any hurricanes this year!




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