Thursday, September 1, 2005

My heart hurts.

I have a fractional idea of what Hurricane Katrina survivors are going through.  I was lucky.  I made it, thanks to my family last year.  And we didn't have to deal with overwhelming flooding, just debris, the absence of power and traffic control, the shortage of gas and food, and the need to clean and repair everything.

It was exhausting and depressing, but really, we were blessed.

The losses now are so devastating, I cannot fathom it all.

But on a personal note, this Em, this woman who has been working her way into my heart for a while now, is having an issue with the way that I talk.

I do not speak in one serious voice.  Apparently I use varied accents and inflections as I talk.  It drives her crazy.  I mean, it really makes her nuts.

No one else has ever complained or gotten stuck on the way I say things.

I am not about to change the way I talk.   She's going to have to deal with it.  I told her I was willing to make compromises/concessions but not to change who I am. I like myself and lots of other people do, too.  No one else is bothered by my speech patterns!

It's such a problem for her it may toll our death knell.  We already have enough obstacles.  The distance and the price of gas, the fact that I can only be with her when her sons are not around, the fact that neither of us has much spending money.

I've already made some adaptations to be with her.  Now it's her turn, I'm thinking.



Anonymous said...

post script, I'm of-line on aim, but keeping track of you just the same!

Anonymous said...

oh honey, how do I say this, nobody needs a partner that tries to make them feel they need to change.  And I mean that, we may all try to change ourselves for someone we love, but it shouldnt come from them pushing! or nagging, or complaining. I have felt the need to change, to try to live up to what someone thinks they see in me, but I will rebel fiercely if pushed to change to conform to someones idea of an improved me!  And you should too!  This isnt good for you!