Saturday, September 17, 2005


My boss confirmed the fact that the woman in charge of hiring at the library does not like me.  I said, "She is absolutely prejudiced against me." She responded, "Yes, and ****,too, though I don't understand why...."

Oops!  I wanted to tell her that she just admitted that even she knows it to be true.  I doubt that she realized what she said.  If only someone else had heard it.

So that broke the last thread holding me back from saying anything to the administration.  I wrote to the Human Resources administrator, asking if denying an interview was legal.  I kept it simple. I did not mention names. We'll see if anything at all comes of it.

However, like I said, it is still legal to discriminate against homosexuals in Florida.  I do not know if the woman in question knows that I'm gay.  She might be prejudiced for any other reason... the way I dress, the way I spoke to her, my height, the scars on my face, the color of my teeth... who the heck knows? 

Only that woman.  And she is a powerful woman.



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