Tuesday, November 8, 2005

moving on or staying still

So I schlepped to the interview. I wasn't nervous... until I sat down before the interviewers.

When questioned I answered off the top of my head.  I spoke fast.  I sometimes stopped myself I was talking so much and asked them... "What was the question?"

Gawd, I dunno.  I want this job.  If I don't get it, I will be no worse off but I won't be any better off and I will dispair.  I will have a renewed interest in trying to find a life again.

My life is good but it can be better.  I need benefits and I sure as hell am not going to get them staying in one place.  I also have a hope of continuing my education but I have put it on hold for so long that it seems like a distant and fading dream.

All I can do know is pray and quite literally, I have been praying.

My hope is that I am the last person they interviewed.  The last on stage is always thought to be the best.

I don't know if I sold myself enough.  The final question was why are you the best person for the job.  Oi.  I gave them my virtues but I should have said more.  I'm older and more experienced than younger people who are applying.  I'm sharper and more energetic than older people who are applying.

I certainly believe that I have what they need but what if I'm not what they envision.   What if I didn't smile enough or look them in the eyes often enough.

I imagine myself to be suffering now. If I miss this, I really should reduce my hours and use the time to search for work elsewhere.

I need to be vital to my workplace and I am at the branch library.  I perform functions you'd never expect.  I WD-40 the bookdrop lock mechanism, I remove creatures from the premises interior,  I boost morale, I am kick-ass at customer service, not hiring me would be... regrettable.

Still, I cannot hold me breathe but I need change.  I need to be human and get time off and paid vacation and all the lovely human things that we all deserve.

I can't stand be adulated but not compensated fairly much longer.


Anonymous said...

"not hiring me would be... regrettable"

If, for whatever reason, you do not get this job remember what you wrote there for the next interview. It's good. Real good. A great place to start from when it's time to list your strengths. I hope you get the job...but only if it's the *right* job for you. I learned that lesson myself--the HARD way.

Can't wait to find out what happens next for you.


Anonymous said...

I am wishing you good things, as always. judi