Saturday, January 15, 2005


The last time I saw her there was a misunderstanding.  Something I said upset her, but what she thought she heard isn't what I said.  Add to it that she was tired and sick.  I maybe should have followed up and spoken to her at the main library, but I'm lazy and not the stalker type at all.  Besides as hideously uncomfortable as I as with it, I was embarrassed more.  I don't know why I should be.  I think it's all the pressure I put on myself.  It's just a shame though because she and I have much in common.  You'd think she'd realize that everything is good, we enjoy casual chat and suddenly I say something mean...  No, that's not how it goes.  It was just misheard.  Too bad.  I could use a friend like her.  So it goes.  She's very cool and I'd like to count her among my friends and even have ocassional hang-out privileges.  I'm not after her for a date, I just like her.  She's good people.

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