Saturday, January 15, 2005

Internet Chat

It's a fascinating study of our humanity.

Most people are shallow and superficial, out there for what they can get.  Some of them are mean.  One woman was pushing me out of a room because she couldn't verify my gender.  That's just mean.

I confess there was a time in my life when I excluded men.  But I grew up and now I value men as human beings.

What's so wrong about talking to them?  Wars and genocide happen because of this kind of attitude towards our fellow humans.

This woman was afraid that I was only posing as a woman.  She wanted to see or hear me.

I don't know what the big deal was.  It's not like I was seeking cyber-sex.  I just wanted to be in the company of other lesbians and feel the comradery that I miss and long for.  That's the reason I won't exclude people simply for being one thing or another.  You have to really offend to win exclusion.

How do you prove your gender to some ornery stranger?  I relented and said I could find someplace where I'm wanted.  And then I left.  Her loss, and frankly I was glad to get away from her seething distrust and anger. They have pills for that, honey!

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